ExpressVote® XL
Full-Face Universal Voting System
A great experience for voters
The paper-based ExpressVote XL full-face Universal Voting System displays the full ballot on a 32-inch interactive screen and produces an independent voter-verifiable paper record. The ExpressVote XL improves the Election Day experience for voters — allowing them to mark and tabulate their vote in one stop.
A versatile solution
Vote centers • Early voting • Polling places • Election Day
Together with the ExpressPoll® electronic pollbook and ExpressVote® Activation Card Printer, you can quickly check in voters and serve up to 15,000 different ballot styles. This means no more picking and pulling ballots or wasting pre-printed stock — voters get in and out faster. ExpressVote XL’s paper ballot can be scanned for tabulation by any ES&S ballot scanner.

How fast is the voting experience on ExpressVote XL?

“There was no line. [In other elections] I’ve always waited in line.”
Jessica Ickler, voter, Cumberland County, PA
Penn Live, Short waits, no lines reported as polls near closing time in Pa. primary, 6/2/2020
“It’s nice and easy. This is a little quicker.”
75-year-old Tom Upshaw, voter, Philadelphia, PA
The Temple News, Residents, students try out new voting machines ahead of Election Day, 10/18/2019
“Voting my ballot only took 20 seconds, and there was almost no line or wait for a machine. My whole experience was very quick!”
Frank B, voter, New Castle County, DE
2022 General Election
ExpressVote XL’s impact on Philly’s 2023 elections

“We didn’t hear of any lines out there today. Voting with the ExpressVote XL is quick and easy, so voters really didn’t take long in the booth.”
“Using the ExpressVote XL means all Philadelphia voters have equal access to the ballot, regardless of ability or disability. It’s quick, it’s easy to use, and voters know their paper ballots will be counted as cast.”
Nick Custodio, Philadelphia Deputy Commissioner
Easy election management
- Simplifies post-election management because there are no unclear marks to adjudicate. Prevents overvotes and alerts voters of ballot exceptions, like undervotes.
- Produces a voter-verifiable paper record that is scanned, tabulated and saved for auditing purposes.
- Prevents voters from getting the wrong ballot style since poll workers don’t need to pick and pull ballots.
- Supports many layout options, including grid style for party voting in rows or columns. This configuration can easily be managed by jurisdictions, allowing for the most efficient use of the ExpressVote XL screen.
- Reduces costs by eliminating the need for printing and storing traditional pre-printed paper ballots.
Poll workers love it
- Shorter Election Day for poll workers — five steps to open and five to close — so they don’t need to arrive as early or stay as late.
- Telescoping privacy curtain includes a vote session light, which allows poll workers to monitor whether the device is in use without compromising voter privacy.
Watch how easy it is to vote on ExpressVote XL.
A great experience for voters
- Fully compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ExpressVote XL enables all eligible voters to make their selections privately and independently.
- Improves voter confidence because the interface prevents them from overvoting and alerts them to ballot exceptions, like undervotes.
- Provides voters the opportunity to review their selections twice before tabulation — on the summary screen and the printed card.
- Once their ballot is printed, scanned and viewable in the review window, voters can have their printed selections read back to them.
- All voters can reinsert their printed ballot into any ExpressVote XL, including the one they voted on, and verify they voted as they intended either on the vote summary screen or by listening to the audio playback.
Universal voting
Today in some jurisdictions, disabled voters are separated from other voters. It doesn’t have to be that way. The ES&S ExpressVote XL ends that separation and allows every voter to cast their ballot in the same private and independent way.
How is ExpressVote XL inclusive?
Hear what voters have to say.
Intuitively designed
“It’s a very simple. The whole process, the whole machine, the keyboard. Everything is just very … it just makes sense. It’s just simple the way it should be.”
Amy Eidenmiller, voter who is visually impaired.
Enhances efficiency
“I will tell you what I gleaned from this device. It is above and beyond what I expected. There was Braille below each of the keys, making it extremely simple to navigate. There was even a button to regulate the tempo of the voice, which I did not know existed before now. This enables me to go through the ballot choices quicker than if it was read slower, therefore increasing the amount of efficiency used in casting my ballot in a normal voting situation.”
Brandon Peters, voter who is visually impaired
Amplifies inclusivity
“People like me are just as important as everyone else. If you have more machines like this, more disabled people will get out and vote.”
Blake Werts, voter with Cerebral Palsy
Security you can count on.®
How the ExpressVote XL Protects Your Ballot
Watch this video to take a peek inside ExpressVote XL’s new paper path to see how, by design, the voting machine’s mechanical components are software-independent — making it impossible to add, modify or invalidate votes after the voter has reviewed, confirmed and cast their ballot.
Physical and system access controls
- The ExpressVote XL includes lockable doors with an optional unique key for each unit and built-in provisions to apply tamper-
evident seals for detection and prevention of unauthorized access. - Optionally, a locking bin plate can be mounted, locked and secured to the back of the unit, providing an extra layer of security to the secure card container and paper path module.
- All administrative access and functions require an access code from an authorized user.
Media management
- All USB flash drives are validated to ensure that they are the approved type and are programmed for the expected function.
- The election programming and vote data are encrypted and digitally signed so that the system can verify that they are from a trusted source and have not been altered.
System application controls
- The firmware is designed to operate only as intended and protects against user error or nefarious manipulation.
- At startup, the ExpressVote XL performs a self-diagnostic test to verify internal functionality and alerts users of any system errors. The unit also uses Secure Boot and application allowlisting to verify only the certified operating system, software and firmware are on the unit. For more information about these security features, see Secure Boot & Application Allowlisting Security Fact Sheet.
- Each unit generates a detailed audit log of all actions and events that occurred on the unit.
Encryption, hash validation and digital signatures
- To protect against modification, vote data is digitally signed as it is committed to memory.At poll close, files with vote data and results are encrypted and digitally signed.
- To protect voter privacy, files that contain voters’ selections have the time stamp obscured.
- Administrators can validate the unit’s firmware directly on the unit to check that the application files and the operating system are exactly as was written during the Trusted Build by the Voting Systems Test Laboratory (VSTL).
Cast process
- The ExpressVote XL can use an optional one-way roller that prevents the unit from printing on a ballot card after the voter has reviewed their selections and cast their ballot.
- During the cast process, vote data that is read from the voter-verified paper record is recorded. The print head lifts out of contact with the paper path, allowing the ballot to pass through to the secure card container.
- Ballot style capacity: Up to 15,000
- Languages supported: Any language in audio and 12+ in text
- Assistive devices supported: Headphones, audio-tactile keypad, rocker switch device, sip-and-puff device
- Dimensions (H x W x D):
Operational – 73” x 45.5” x 25”
Stored – 54.5” x 45.5” x 25” - Battery backup: 7 hours with 2 batteries, 14 hours with 4 batteries